Monday, April 20, 2009

Get Involved - Join Team Huck

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of Obama and the liberal Congress destroying our country. Everyday, it's something new: swelling the deficit, bigger gov't AKA socialism, spending our tax dollars on abortions, putting out a DHS report labeling good Christian citizens Right Wing Extremist and possible terroists. What's next? We can't sit back and be spectators and let "everybody else" take care of our problems. If we don't do something, it's only going to get worse. My family's theme song for now is from the Twisted Sister's group, "We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore..." I'm not really a fan of this group, but I think the song is appropriate for how we feel about our Government's uncalled for actions and outrageous spending. It's time to get up and do something about it.

There is a way to get involved. Governor Huckabee has a political action committee, Huck PAC. The goal is to get conservatives elected from the local to the federal levels so that we can take back our country by 2012. The Team Huck part of the website consist of 50 state headquarters. The goal is to have state coordinators in every state, and Group County Leaders and volunteers in every county of each state.

The benefits of Team Huck allows volunteers to stay informed of what's going on in their area whether it be promoting Huck PAC or getting conservatives elected. Volunteers also have the chance to meet like-minded friends.

Please join Team Huck. You can make a difference. To join, please go to and register. Once you are logged in, look over to the right of your screen and click on the button that says TEAM HUCK HQ. A USA map will load. Click on your state: ie: TEXAS. This will bring you to your state's headquarter's page. Scroll down and join your county's group. If your county is not listed, please find another group to join. For example: The Texas page has groups for everyone to join such as Team Huck TX, Open Threaders, and if you like to blog, the TEXAS BLOGGERS.

Texas, as well as the other states, is looking for Group County Leaders. If you would like to lead, and your county is not listed, please feel free to create a group. Be sure to email your state coordinator to let them know your contact info.

I hope that you will get up and do something. Team Huck is a great place to start.

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